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Law Journal. Vol. 63, 2018

특집: 로스쿨 10년에 대한 평가와 전망
Current Status And Tasks of Korean Law School System
법학전문대학원의 운영현황과 과제
Law J. 2018;63:1-19.
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Comprehensive Evaluation and Improvement of Attorney Qualification Examination System
변호사시험제도 등에 대한 평가와 그 개선방안
Law J. 2018;63:21-54.
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Problems and Improvement of Bar Examination Operation
변호사시험 운영의 문제점과 개선방향
Law J. 2018;63:55-80.
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Present Status and Development Plan of Local Law School
'지방 로스쿨'의 현황과 발전방안
Law J. 2018;63:81-100.
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The Trends and Outcome of Study on the Amendment Bill in the Area of the Fundamental Rights : a Experience of Constitution Amendment Committee in Korean Constitutional Law Association
헌법상 기본권 개정안 논의 동향과 성과 검토 - 2018 한국헌법학회 헌법개정연구위원회 기본권분과위원회의 활동을 중심으로 -
Law J. 2018;63:101-139.
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Legal Issues for the Support of Embryonic Stem Cell Research
배아줄기세포 연구의 지원을 위한 법적 과제
Law J. 2018;63:141-163.
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A Study and Amendment Proposals on the Korean Civil Act Article 311
민법 제311조에 대한 검토 및 개정안
Law J. 2018;63:165-203.
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Exercise period of right of withdrawal and its calculation in the Consumer Act -Focusing on the comparison between Germany and Korea -
소비자법상 철회권 행사기간과 그 기산 -독일과 한국의 비교를 중심으로-
Law J. 2018;63:205-228.
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Revision of the Japanese Inheritance Law
일본의 상속법 개정
Law J. 2018;63:229-261.
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Relation between Contractual Guardanship and Legal Guardanship
임의후견과 법정후견의 연관성 -대법원 2017. 6. 1. 자 2017스515 결정-
Law J. 2018;63:263-286.
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Spouse of relative-related crime
친족상도례가 적용되는 배우자의 범위
Law J. 2018;63:287-316.
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International standards on the informed consent of subjects and improvement of national laws related to clinical trials*
임상시험에서 피험자의 동의에 관한 국제기준과 관련 국내법의 개선 방향
Law J. 2018;63:317-346.
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The Concept of Child Abuse in Consideration of Child Welfare
아동복지적 관점을 고려한 아동‘학대’ 개념
Law J. 2018;63:347-372.
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The Validity of Business Property Transfer without the Consent of Shareholders’ Meeting and the Application of the Good Faith Rule - Supreme Court Decision 2017Da288757 Decided April 26, 2018-
주주총회 동의 없는 영업용재산(자회사 주식) 양도의 효력과 신의칙의 적용 -대법원 2018. 4. 26. 선고 2017다288757 판결-
Law J. 2018;63:373-397.
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