Most Read Articles

Most read Articles are listed by the number of read for the previous three months.

Legal Issues surrounding the Existence of the Death Penalty
사형제도의 존폐를 둘러싼 법적 쟁점
Law J. 2022;78:35-58.
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An Interdisciplinary Approach to Ahn Jung-geun's Sniper Act
안중근 의사의 저격 행위에 대한 학제적 평가
Law J. 2021;74:107-137.
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The Legal System for Protecting Technical Information in Korea
기술의 유출·침해행위에 대한 법적 보호제도
Law J. 2021;72:275-327.
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Legal Guarantee for the Right to Decision-making and Control of Personal Information and the Use of Personal Information
정보주체의 개인정보자기결정권 보장과 개인정보의 활용
Law J. 2021;75:53-92.
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A Study on the Major Changes in the Incoterms® 2020
인코텀즈 2020 (Incoterms® 2020) 주요 개정 내용과 시사점
Law J. 2019;67:259-287.
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Improvement of legal terms
법률 용어의 개선
Law J. 2021;73:25-65.
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Legal Analysis of COVID-19 Disclosure
코로나19 동선공개에 대한 법적 고찰
Law J. 2020;70:103-131.
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Whether the attorney's fee paid by a third party is included in the litigation cost
제3자가 지급하는 변호사보수의 소송비용 산입여부
Law J. 2021;73:305-329.
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Does Rousseau has a Natural Law Theory?
루소는 자연법 사상가인가?
Law J. 2023;80:263-291.
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The Meaning of ‘Separation of State and Religion’ in the Korean Constitution
헌법의 ‘정교분리원칙’의 의미
Law J. 2020;70:1-26.
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Problems and Improvements of the Basic Rights Restriction According to the Status of Public Officials
공무원 신분에 따른 기본권 제한의 문제점과 개선방안
Law J. 2020;69:33-61.
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A Study on the Financial Soundness Regulations of Insurance Companies and introduction of IFRS 17
IFRS 17의 도입과 보험회사 재무건전성 규제에 관한 연구
Law J. 2022;76:151-177.
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Restriction of Animal Testing Under EU Law
EU법상 동물실험의 법적 규제 - 실험동물보호지침 2010/63/EU를 중심으로 -
Law J. 2020;68:265-299.
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The Right of Pledge for Mortgage Claim
Law J. 2020;68:175-202.
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Legal Issues for Expanding the Introduction of Telemedicine
원격의료 도입의 확대를 위한 법적 과제
Law J. 2024;84:97-122.
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The Legal Nature of Police's Non Transfer Decision, Problems and Improvement Pan of The Control Methods about Police's Non Transfer Decision in The revised Criminal Procedure Law
개정 형사소송법상 경찰의 불송치결정의 법적 성격, 통제방법 및 통제방법의 문제점과 개선방안에 대한 고찰
Law J. 2021;73:399-425.
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Overcoming Bilateralism through the Concept of International Community: On Obligation Erga Omnes
국제공동체 개념을 통한 국제법상 양자주의의 극복과 대세적 의무
Law J. 2020;69:287-316.
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A Study on the Review and Implication of the Defend Trade Secrets Act of United States
미국 영업비밀보호법(DTSA)의 주요내용 검토 및 시사점
Law J. 2020;70:305-335.
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On the Legal Validity of Registration Title Trust that Violates the act on the Registration of Real Estate under Actual Titleholder's Name
부동산실명법을 위반한 등기명의신탁의 사법적 효력
Law J. 2020;70:187-210.
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A Study on the Invalidation of Real Estate Auctions
부동산 경매의 무효에 관한 연구
Law J. 2022;76:101-125.
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