List of Articles

Law Journal. Vol. 77, 2022

Human Rights Law Approach to the Concept of Benevolence
인(仁)의 개념에 대한 인권법적 접근
Law J. 2022;77:1-24.
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The U.S. Supreme Court’s recent case related to Administrative Law Judge and Appointments Clause: Carr v. Saul
미국 행정법판사(Administrative Law Judge)와 공직자 임명조항에 관한 연방대법원의 최근 판결례 -Carr v. Saul
Law J. 2022;77:25-44.
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Japan's Response and Implication for Early Realization of CCS & CCUS
CCS·CCUS 조기실현을 위한 일본의 대응과 시사점
Law J. 2022;77:45-73.
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Electronic noise and Consumer Protection
전자제품 소음과 소비자 보호
Law J. 2022;77:75-97.
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A study for fact finding as Anti-Avoidance Rule under the tax law
세법상 조세회피부인방법으로서의 사실인정에 관한 연구
Law J. 2022;77:99-124.
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Real Estate Brokerage Fee Agreement and Mediation on Real Estate of the Public Auction
부동산 중개보수와 공매 대상 부동산 취득의 알선
Law J. 2022;77:125-154.
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Review of criminal issues with respect to the application of 「Act on Punishment of Serious Accidents」
「중대재해 처벌 등에 관한 법률」의 적용을 둘러싼 형사법적 쟁점 검토
Law J. 2022;77:155-183.
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Application of competition law to data processing activities of dominant companies
데이터 독점과 경쟁법의 적용
Law J. 2022;77:185-213.
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